Service Mutualisé d'Aquariologie - Aquariums public

The Mediterranean Aquarium of the Biodiversarium houses about fifty tanks from 10 to 60,000 litres. Animals that are present in these basins are, for most of them, caught as juveniles and will be released back into the sea after a few months spent in the public aquarium in order to play their role of ambassadors for the visitors.

In this context, the main mission of the SMA's public aquarium team is to collect marine organisms in the natural environment, to realize their reproduction (if possible) in captivity (jellyfish for example), the maintenance of the tanks (particularly using diving techniques) and the zootechnical and technical monitoring of all the installations.

The team of the public aquarium pole provides support to the site's curator within the framework of in situ conservation programmes (monitoring of endangered species, invasive species, etc.). The Aquarium of the Biodiversarium is a member of the Union of Aquarium Curators and the European Union of Aquarium Curators.

Observatoire Océanologique
de Banyuls-sur-Mer
1 avenue Pierre Fabre
66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer
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