The Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls-sur-Mer offers undergraduate and graduate courses from Sorbonne Université, in the fields of oceanography and marine biology.

The marine station represents a privileged environment on the Mediterranean coast. It proposes European and international training in marine sciences, as well as courses from different French and European partner universities.

Courses are listed in each rubric.

  • Ecology and Biology of Marine Organisms (ECOBIOM, L2SV465)
  • Diversity of Marine Interactions (DIMAR, LU2SV365)
  • Microorganisms reactions to global changes: ecological health and societal consequences (CHANGE, LU2SV663)
  • Marine stations and the emergence of marine models (STAMARI, LU2SV663)

The OOB is also coordinating the B.Sc. program in marine sciences Dal@SU, in partnership with Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada.


The OOB offers courses in 4 Masters of Sorbonne Université. Some of these M.Sc. are partners of European and international programs.

Marine stations are renewed to offer training in various aspects of marine biology during the Summer period. These trainings are part of undergraduate and graduate SU programs, and are generally easily accessible to students not from Sorbonne Université as isolated courses.

Marine stations provide an ideal setting for hosting international educational programs, through their accommodation facilities, access to original ecosystems and the diversity of research activities carried out there. The OOB is partner of several international Bachelor and Master programs.

The Summer school Mediterranean Ecology (ECOMED) is offered to lifelong learning students.


The OOB leads several programs to create innovative teaching modules, proposed on the online platform e-marin'lab.

The Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls-sur-Mer welcomes trainees from secondary schools (mainly 3ème and Seconde). For one or two weeks, the students will be immersed in a number of departments, platforms and research units, to see what daily life is like for staff in different fields.

Observatoire Océanologique
de Banyuls-sur-Mer
1 avenue Pierre Fabre
66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer
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