Technical Facilities

Bio2Mar has a team of 8 people with complementary skills and techniques spread over 4 specialised technical facilities located on 2 geographical sites.

The Research Federation at the Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls hosts three of the four technical facilities :

  • Biodiversity and Molecular Biology Facility
  • Microbiology and Culture Facility
  • Biomolecules and Environmental Chemistry Facility.

The Centre for Island Research and Environmental Observatory at the University of Perpignan (UPVD-CRIOBE) host The “Secondary Metabolites, Xenobiotics and Environmental Metabolomics” technical facility.

OOB Bio2Mar plateau de Biodiversité et Biologie Moléculaire

The Biodiversity and Molecular Biology Facility offers users a suite of instruments from sample preparation to quality control and analysis. These include a high performance homogenizer for cell lysis, an automated DNA/RNA extractor and a robot for liquid manipulation, instruments for DNA/RNA quantification, a Bioanalyzer to assess RNA integrity, PCR machines, a real-time PCR machine and a genetic analyzer for DNA sequencing and fragment analysis.

In addition to access to instrumentation, users benefit from technical support and advice from the facility staff trained in general molecular biology techniques, various DNA fingerprinting methods and qPCR.

The facility also offers expertise in microbial ecology with characterization of microbial diversity by bioinformatic and statistical analysis analysis of marker genes obtained by Illumina sequencing.

Observatoire Océanologique
de Banyuls-sur-Mer
1 avenue Pierre Fabre
66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer
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