The Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls-sur-Mer have three instrumental platforms.
The BioPIC platform (Biology Platform of Imaging and flow Cytometry) aims to offer high-tech state-of-the-art tools for the study and observation of aquatic ecosystems and their organisms on the very shores of the western Mediterranean.
Three technical platforms are available: photonic and electronic microscopy and flow cytometry. These platforms are complementary and enable the ecosystem to be studied at its different scales: sub-cellular, cellular, community and global.
The Biodiversity and Marine Biotechnologies core facility "Bio2Mar", is a regional platform labelled GEPETO (Grand équipement pour l'évolution technologique et l'ouverture scientifique) by the region Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée.
This core facility created in 2010 offers to public and private sector researchers expertise and state-of-the-art technology in research on marine biodiversity and blue biotechnologies with a strategic position on the Mediterranean coast.
The REMIMED platform gives academic and private users access to a high-frequency instrumented marine network through means at sea (vessels, crew, diving service, oceanographic instrumentation, ROV...), automated oceanographic buoys and a submarine cable network.
The platform can be used for research, observation and monitoring of the natural environment at different scales, for technological development and/or validation of instruments, for mediation and communication operations for the general public, but also for teaching at all levels.