L'Art'cherche - Perspectives - Affiche - 2022

As part of the seventh edition of "l'Art'Cherche", the Oceanological Observatory is pleased to introduce the annual exhibition "Perspectives" on the Albert Sagols esplanade, in the open air in front of the Observatory.
For 140 years, the Arago Laboratory has never stopped changing, evolving, improving and, above all, expanding.

2022 is a significant year for the Observatory in terms of construction and development. The major renovation of the Lacaze-Duthiers building should be completed soon. But it is not over yet! In the next few years, the "Annexe", a small disused building next to the Edouard Chatton Building, which was once used to house students when the Grand Hôtel was full, will be renovated. It will host new spaces where collaborative research and interaction between researchers, students and entrepreneurs that animate the life of the OOB will be expressed.

Today, through this exhibition, we offer you a journey through time, from the Arago Laboratory to the Oceanological Observatory, around its different buildings and architecture.

Some articles about this exhibition:

Pruvot G. “Henri de Lacaze-Duthiers”, Archives de Zoologie expérimentale et générale, 3e série, vol. 10, 1902 : 1-46.

Cinquantenaire du Laboratoire Arago : Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale : histoire naturelle, morphologie, histologie, évolution des animaux... 1937

Centenaire du Laboratoire Arago : Vie et Milieu 1982 vol 32(4)

Hesse B, Frioul V, Laudet V. Guide du Biodiversarium et de la Méditerranée 2019. (en vente au Biodiversarium, Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer)

Observatoire Océanologique
de Banyuls-sur-Mer
1 avenue Pierre Fabre
66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer
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