Science Festival

Logo Fete de la Science

Every year, in october, the Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls-sur-Mer participates in the Science Festival, a national event that allows the public and schools to visit research laboratories. In this context, the OOB opens its doors for a whole day; conferences, guided tours and educational workshops are organised to present to the public the diversity of activities carried out there on site or during campaigns at sea.

European Heritage Days

The Oceanological Observatory of Banyuls-sur-Mer has exceptional heritage resources (buildings, gardens, collections of objects or works, etc.). From 2015 to 2017, the OOB has been taking part in the European Heritage Days to showcase this wealth, which is often unknown to the general public.

Mediterranean Documentary Film Festival (FIDOM)

FIDOM affiche 2017

The Mediterranean Documentary Film Festival presents a selection of television works at the end of October each year. Admission is free and free of charge, subject to availability. More than 1500 spectators watch productions with a variety of horizons.

A jury of professionals judges a selection in competition, as well as a "young" jury. The audience also awards a prize for the entire program.

The 2016 edition was chaired by Gilles Bœuf (former Director of the Oceanological Observatory and adviser to the Ministry of the Environment). In 2017, Daniel Herrero (International Rugbyman and writer) succeeded him.

Observatoire Océanologique
de Banyuls-sur-Mer
1 avenue Pierre Fabre
66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer
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